Sunnatan Spray Tan
$60.00 (20 minutes)
SunnaTan is a specifically formulated airbrushing solution that will offer instant gratification to your skin. Packed full of organic, skin-nourishing ingredients.  Our goal is to provide an upscale spray tan experience that our clients will consistently love and will cultivate as a part of their healthy lifestyle providing a natural glow and safe alternative to natural tanning methods.

Prep for your tan:

  • Shower and exfoliate face and body (ideally 6 hours pre tan)
  • For best result wax or shave 1 day before
  • Don’t use oil based exfoliates or lotions prior.

What to wear:

  • The product will not stain your clothing. Even so, dark, lose fitting clothing is suggested for wearing immediately after the session, but not required.
  • During the session, a thong, underwear or bikini is recommended.

Post Tan:

  • You can immediately get dressed after being air-brushed.
  • Do not shower for 12 hours after your spray.  Your tan evenly fades and will last for 7-10 days.
  • Use SunnaTan’s Sunless Tanning Extenders to prolong your tan.