Anti-Wrinkle Cosmetic Injection Clinic

Pure Spa hosts weekly Anti-Wrinkle Cosmetic Injection Clinics with Dr. Kristian MacDonald and Dr. Shannon Curtis.  Call us to book your Treatment or your No Charge Consultation.  902-894-9642

Natural Looking Beauty with Confidence
Dysport Aesthetic
Dysport Aesthetic is an injection used to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines and crows feet. Once injected, it temporarily reduces movement of certain upper facial muscles that cause wrinkles. Dysport has been available for clinical use for 25 years, and in direct comparison clinical studies with Botox, 95% of patients felt the results were the same or better than Botox. With a quicker on set of action and longer lasting results than the competitor, paired with proven safety and efficacy, Dr. MacDonald has chosen to offer Dysport Aesthetic.
Book Your No Charge Consult or Dysport Appointment Online
About Dr. MacDonald
Dr. Kristian MacDonald earned his MD at Dalhousie University in 2006 and went on to specialize in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (Ear, Nose and Throat) at Dalhousie. He completed fellowship training in Toronto and worked in Ottawa as Assistant Professor before returning to the Island in 2017. He completed Dysport training in early 2018 through courses and individual training.
About Dr. Shannon Curtis
Dr. Shannon Curtis earned her MD at Dalhousie University in 2008, and went on to complete her Family Medicine residency at Dalhousie University in 2010. Since that time she has worked as a family physician in Charlottetown, and maintains a faculty appointments at both Dalhousie University and Memorial University. She completed Dysport training in 2021.
Before & Afters
Call us to book.

30 min treatment

or your No Charge Consultation